Friday, March 12, 2010

Breakfast Foods...

My kids generally don't like to eat breakfast on weekdays. They really don't. This is bothersome because breakfast is the one meal that I'm really good at cooking. I can make all the fan favorites, pancakes, french toast, eggs, pop eyed eggs, you name it, well, not really, but I do make breakfast well.

Of course every morning it's pretty much the same conversation...
"What do you want for breakfast, Honey?" I say in my most mother like voice.
"Can I just have a shake?" Thing One or Thing Two says.
By shake, they mean Slimfast shake. That's not weird at all.

So yesterday this is pretty much how it went. Just Saige was here and that was what she said she wanted. Then she was still a little hungry. Today was my grocery store day and pickin's were slim.
"Do you want a banana?" I asked as I eyed up the very black bananas hoping she hadn't noticed them before I could peel it.
"No! They look gross," she said.
"They're fine. They just look bad. I'll show you," I peeled off the skin and found a very smooshy banana. I broke it in half and handed it to her.
"What are you trying to poison me?" she said incredulously.
"Can I have a granola bar?" she said.
"We're out of them. You know that. Why are you tormenting me about granola bars?" I asked.
"Well what can I have then?" she said.
"Do you want eggs? I can make you eggs," I said, as I crossed my fingers because this was really the only thing I had to offer up.
"No. I don't want eggs," she said.
I opened the fridge.
"How 'bout a pickle?" I asked.
"Can I just have some applesauce?" she tried.
"We're out of that too. How 'bout some ice cream?" I was kind of kidding about that but she was starting to make me nervous.
"No, I know, a Hot Pocket!" I said.
"Do we have the breakfast ones?" she asked.
"Kind of. Let's just pretend," I answered looking at the pizza kind.
She rolled her eyes at me.
I went shopping later that day.
Mother of the Year! Right?


  1. Remind me on Sunday and I'll give you my quick, easy, healthy 2 minute recipe for Blueberry Blitz, or Banana Bomb - you'll need a blender and a drinking glass - do you keep those items in stock?

  2. Um, I came here to reply to your post, but got a little distracted. Who is this Alex guy? Damn. Can you find me a gay one just like him? For breakfast. Yes, that'll work just fine.

  3. Alex, why are you topless in that picture? Put a shirt on, will you? Man, you're stealing beautiful Amy's thunder here.....

    Ahem... where was I?....

    Oh yeah, Mother of the Year. Jason just scolded me yesterday because I haven't been on a proper grocery shopping trip in a long time. I'm doing it piecemeal lately, out for milk, out for a piece of fish to cook for dinner, out for laundry detergent. it's been rough in the Jacquette household since I went back to work!
